About me

the origins

Born and raised in Piedmont, Italy.
Former Interior Designer, now Communication Designer. Next step: unicorn.

how people describe me (IRL)

  • Funny
  • Sociable
  • Cynical
  • Smart
  • Creative
  • Reliable
  • Crazy, but in a good way
  • PITA, let's be honest!

roles i have had

  • Interior Designer
  • Web Designer
  • UX designer
  • Front-end developer
Download my resume
Ylenia in New York contempling life


Politecnico di Milano

Master in Communication Design (2012-2015), 107/110

Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology

Exchange program Graphic Design (2014)

Politecnico di Milano

Bachelor in Interior Design (2007-2011) 92/110

attempt of art with some flower wallpaper on a photo of NYU

Employment history

S'nce group SAGL
UX/UI design, front-end development, CX methodologies, research, brand identity

May 2015 – present
Stabio, Switzerland

Graphic and web designer, content editor Joomla, photo editing, packaging designer

Oct 2012 – Gen 2013
Milano, Italy

Naturam srl
Graphic and web design, brand identity, copywriting, art direction, web development

Sept 2014 – Gen 2015
Novara, Italy

Equipe Project Srl
Interior Designer, AutoCAD drawings, 3D renders, presentations, cost analysis, products engineering, back office

Jul 2010 – Sept 2011
Sesto Calende, Italy

soft skills

  • Organizational Wizard
  • Idea Machine
  • Speech Savant
  • Teamwork Tornado
  • Curiosity Cat
  • Wanderlust Wizard
  • Macgyver Mastermind

First of all I am curious. Everything I know is out of curiosity. I am interested in the most different subjects, as you can see from this website.
I trust Google and I know it has all the answers! You just need to ask..

I let nothing stop me and I learn from every experience. I believe working in teams brings out the best in each other and empowers us with shared knowledge.

They say I have an INTJ-A personality, and I do believe they're right.

Technical skills

  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe After Effects
  • jQuery/JS (as for foreign languages: I can read it, but I usually Google it)
  • SVG animation
  • Accessibility (design & development)
  • Sketch
  • Figma (I just started)
  • Office suite (ECDL certificate)

I am always learning new things, so this is just a preview. Find out more on Instagram

If you have found anything mesmerizing and you want to have a chat about it, you can get in touch with me.